Saturday, June 20, 2009

Good Good Nights

i had a really super eve. this following a pretty shitty week. i was sick. who gets sick in june? me. i have the lingering really cute flaky nose skin and grandpa laugh from the crap in my lungs. but i am out of bed. its been a tough week outside of sickness as well and to be perfectly honest, i dont really want to talk about it.

i got home around 4 today. i was sleepy. i had a really long night of thinking. i do that sometimes. a long day of catching up on work. by 5 i was done but i had plans with the ladies to see a movie so i jumped in bed to read and try to re energize. sleeping happened instead. it was good. actually, i would have slept longer but i had this really awful dream that i wont recount because it effing sucked. i woke up to merril in the living room. we talked for a really long time about really intense things. it was good. she's a delight.

so around 10 the ladies...ahhhhhhhhh!! pandora just started playing jack johnson. that is awful. i skipped it. i thought it knew that i am not into jack johnson. ugh. ok. so, 10, the ladies off to the theatre. we watched away we go. it was super. i loved it. i left the theatre refreshed. excited. reminded that simplicity is possible and its what i want. geez, it was good. i know you prolly aren't interested in the reaches of my mind. the places that i have ventured tonight. the thoughts about my life and people and relationships so i will spare you (i am however pretty good at the email ramble and am always looking for folks to ramble to so if you want thoughts let me know). just know that some passions are being re ignited and i am eager to journey with them.

life is good. even when it kind of sucks.

i miss you long beach. but i love you sacramento. what oh what to do? shit.

good night.


p.s. listen to some good music as the sun goes down and drink some lemonade. or a beer. tis the season.