Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Real Good!

I am coming down off of a super great weekend. I spent it with AMAZING people, eating, watching Freaks and Geeks, assembling CD's for the greatest Sacramento trio ever and most importantly loving. I am so full of gratitude that at the moment I can't think of one thing that is going bad. That is not to say that I have my mini struggles but the truth is that because I am surrounded by people who love me anything negative is pushed away. This week I am done with my full schedule at Old Navy and I am on to my new job, to call it a job is tough because I think it will be so much fun! I had a meeting with Marc just about an hour ago and somethings were cleared up which means that I can be even more excited about the things that are to come.

I anticipate the next month to be pretty amazing! Kate is here this weekend and we are going to live it up staying up late watching The Office, eating way yummy food and enjoying some of Sacramento's finest brews. Silver Darling ( is playing the week after that in Midtown and in LA (11.10 8pm Room 5, Los Angeles....please go!) then a week of normalcy followed by a week at home in the LBC! My heart is so full of good things right so so good!