Monday, June 16, 2008

An Update or Whatever

So Marc was ok to preach. I was pretty glad that I didn't have to run around like a mad woman organizing a last minute worship service but mildly bummed that I had stayed up until 2am preparing everything just in case.

In other news...

The pod that I have been leading for 19 weeks now is over next week and that is kind of exciting. We have spent what will be the last 20 weeks reading through Blue Like Jazz, a book that has stretched me and taught me quite a bit about myself and my relationship with Christ. Our small group (5: Elizabeth, Tim, Jason, Lori and I) started out as strangers and now we are friends, concerned with what happens to one another, eager to hang out and excited to have a common thread on Sunday mornings. We will likely take a break for a couple weeks before we get started on the new book (Henri Nouwen's Reaching Out)...I am excited for what lies ahead.

I just finished reading The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne for what I think must be the fifth time and once again I am all twisted up. The book is so good. It has me thinking quite a bit about what my role in the Body is. Why is it that God has me in Sacramento? I am so full of ideas and questions and excitement about what could be but at the same time I am frustrated that City Life Church isn't really at a place that allows me to minister in the ways that I am most passionate about. Then again I am no longer in North Long Beach so the issues are very different and maybe if I searched and prayed long enough I would be lead to another passion...Midtown/Downtown is not void of its issues.
I have found myself being quite frustrated with the body at large lately. Much like the frustrations that I had when I left New City. I am at a place where I am annoyed with the people who leave the community to worship, move to a more comfortable place to live, ignore the injustice on the street. Yet at the same time I am convicted of my laziness and my passivity, I haven't been completely active in making a difference. I have my friends that I pass on the street everyday Reggie who needs a meal once in a while or Rebecca who I hang out with at the gym and the coffee shop but that seems like so little. In moving to Sacramento I think that I lost my spunk for speaking out against the laziness of the church; I have become far to passive. I am annoyed with myself and with the churches desire to help only when it is comfortable....sounds like I am back to where I was a few years ago. I think that it is a good place to be, it is a place that causes me to think and draw nearer to the heart of God but it is also a lonely place as I feel quite misunderstood.

Today I long for what will be...
