Monday, February 2, 2009

Today was a good Sunday

My Sundays are generally ok. You see, I work for the church that I go to and that poses some problems-perhaps many of them are directly related to my Jesus hippie nature and my idealism. These are things that I need to work on. Onward-so today was pretty good. I had a smooth morning of work before stepping into church attendee mode and the transition back into work after the service was also fairly smooth. I came home to my house, quiet, very still but cozy. Made some lunch (bean burrito). Read some of my book. Took a nap. Woke up. Made coffee. Rode my new wheels to the Florences. We hung out for a few hours and I took a slow ride back home. It was about midnight (ish) and the streets were so quiet. I rode slowly, thinking. The things that I thought were these:
1. Many a thing about my Dad. How I love hime and how my life is better for having him in it. Regret for being such an awful communicator. General sadness that I am not closer. Overall, good and warm things.
2. Friends. How I am lucky to have the ones that I have. The joy from my friendships is priceless.
3. Life.
4. Should have brought my water bottle, I am thirsty.
5. Where will I be in a year? Five?
6. My BFF got engaged last night and here I am. I haven't been able to hug her or talk to her. I grew jealous of all the people who get to be there when I am not. In that moment I wanted to be back in Long Beach to stay.
7. Then I got sad because I thought about how leaving Sacramento would suck.
8. Then I was excited to have 2 places that I love so much.
9. I wish I were in my bed because it is cold outside.

I could go on but I won't.

Oh, I got a new fender for my bike. Made of beer cans. Check back for a picture. Its neat.