My car was broken into Tuesday night and all they took was the passenger side door lock and the radio faceplate. UGH! The rear quarter glass was broken so I had to replace that which was awesome.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Not Busy, Just Lazy
Mosquitos are the stupidest thing on the planet. I am not one for calling the lord a fool but I do wonder about these bugs. They are awful terrible creatures, I am being eaten alive by one right now, in me it has found a buffet and it is making me crazy. It's a quick one too because it continues to escape my slap. UGH!
Not a whole lot going on lately. The usual, just working and looking for a part time job. So far I have been turned down by 4 places. This is an annoying journey but one that I need to be committed to.
I have headed back to the gym 5 days a week in an attempt to loose the weight that I gained over the holidays, so it is a little late but whatevs. I am back on track. I want to have reached my 100 pound mark by the end of the year and I think I can really do it I just need to try and stay motivated. I am so easily discouraged by the things around me.
The Office has been superb as of late. If Andrew Bernard were a real person I would want to hang out with him every day. Pam makes me want to vomit but we have talked about this already so I will spare you.
I am feeling completely drained of creatvity and funnies so I am out.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Posted by Shannon at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just an FYI
I might not post for awhile...
Gonna be on Facebook.
Lots of catching up to do.
Posted by Shannon at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
I like blackberries, the office and coffee. I do not like Pam.
Instead I will show you my trial run with Kanye shades. Good huh? Sara and I are endlessly entertained by trying on sunglasses at Target. These were my favorite.
And since I think blogging without photos is lame I will share this with you for good measure.
The biggest croissant I have ever consumed and an americano from Temple...come to Sacramento I will buy you this!
Got back from Long Beach Monday, it was super. Went to see Bonnie Prince Billy in LA. I love him.
I feel like I have nothing important or exciting to share. I think I need more coffee....we'll talk soon.
Posted by Shannon at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Stream of Consciousness...again.
I was going to post some pictures of things that are silly but I can't find my camera cord. I think I left it at the office. I am lame.
So it has been lots of days since my last post. Along with Facebook and MySpace I suppose I have given up blogging. Either that or I am just lazy. Yeah, lazy. Also, I don't like blogging without photos and I've been pretty awful with the camera lately.
Coming to So Cal tomorrow. Going to the Bonnie Prince Billy show which I am real excited about.
Allergy season is here. I have real bad allergies. At this moment my eyes are watering, my nose is all plugged up and my eyelids are swollen half shut. I wish I had my camera cord. I would post a picture right now. It is gross. Wait...I am going to take a picture to share later, remind me. Oh geez, that's bad. One eyelid is more swollen than the other. Cute. I hate allergies. Claritin and Zyrtec don't work. Also, Vicks tissues are amazing but should not be used to dry the eyes. It burns. It was an accident. WHATEVS.
I am fragile right now. I can't breathe.
I watched Twilight. Then I started the book...this could be really bad.
Things I want to do while in Long Beach: see the family, go to thrift stores, try out that coffee shop in Bellflower that Rachel raves about-I just got a new journal and a good book (not twilight) so it should be super, grab some coffee from Intelligista for Merril-this might not happen but this is just a wishlist, hang at the sunken city, feel the joy of no allergies...there is more but my allergies are preventing proper brain function.
I watched 3 of my favorite movies this week.
Gummi Bears are delicious. I like the clearish ones. Also, red.
If wiping your eyes with Vicks hurts...nope, gonna stop there.
The Office is making my life.
I want to be Tina Fey.
Fine tip ball point pens are my new favorite.
Black coffee makes me really happy. Instant smiles.
I started watching Big Love. Then I watched an episode of The West Wing. I am into both. That sucks.
I love my porch at night.
It's 1 AM and I can't sleep. Not because I am not tired but because I can't breathe and my congestion is causing a headache. Its too late for PM pills. Ugh.
Goodnight. xo.
Posted by Shannon at 12:46 AM 0 comments