Thursday, April 23, 2009


My car was broken into Tuesday night and all they took was the passenger side door lock and the radio faceplate. UGH! The rear quarter glass was broken so I had to replace that which was awesome.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Not Busy, Just Lazy

Mosquitos are the stupidest thing on the planet. I am not one for calling the lord a fool but I do wonder about these bugs. They are awful terrible creatures, I am being eaten alive by one right now, in me it has found a buffet and it is making me crazy. It's a quick one too because it continues to escape my slap. UGH!

Not a whole lot going on lately. The usual, just working and looking for a part time job. So far I have been turned down by 4 places. This is an annoying journey but one that I need to be committed to.

I have headed back to the gym 5 days a week in an attempt to loose the weight that I gained over the holidays, so it is a little late but whatevs. I am back on track. I want to have reached my 100 pound mark by the end of the year and I think I can really do it I just need to try and stay motivated. I am so easily discouraged by the things around me.

The Office has been superb as of late. If Andrew Bernard were a real person I would want to hang out with him every day. Pam makes me want to vomit but we have talked about this already so I will spare you.

I am feeling completely drained of creatvity and funnies so I am out.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just an FYI

I might not post for awhile...

Gonna be on Facebook.

Lots of catching up to do.


Friday, April 10, 2009

I like blackberries, the office and coffee. I do not like Pam.

Remember when I said I lost my cord thingy for my camera? Turns out that it was late and dark and somehow I didnt think to turn on the light and look under the checkbook....stop judging me.

SO, i know I said I would show you what my face looked like when I had bad bad bad allergies. As it turns out I am not that brave so just believe me when I say that it was bad...oh geez, really the picture is bad.

Instead I will show you my trial run with Kanye shades. Good huh? Sara and I are endlessly entertained by trying on sunglasses at Target. These were my favorite.

And since I think blogging without photos is lame I will share this with you for good measure.

The biggest croissant I have ever consumed and an americano from Temple...come to Sacramento I will buy you this!

Got back from Long Beach Monday, it was super. Went to see Bonnie Prince Billy in LA. I love him.

I feel like I have nothing important or exciting to share. I think I need more coffee....we'll talk soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stream of Consciousness...again.

I was going to post some pictures of things that are silly but I can't find my camera cord. I think I left it at the office. I am lame.

So it has been lots of days since my last post. Along with Facebook and MySpace I suppose I have given up blogging. Either that or I am just lazy. Yeah, lazy. Also, I don't like blogging without photos and I've been pretty awful with the camera lately.

Coming to So Cal tomorrow. Going to the Bonnie Prince Billy show which I am real excited about.

Allergy season is here. I have real bad allergies. At this moment my eyes are watering, my nose is all plugged up and my eyelids are swollen half shut. I wish I had my camera cord. I would post a picture right now. It is gross. Wait...I am going to take a picture to share later, remind me. Oh geez, that's bad. One eyelid is more swollen than the other. Cute. I hate allergies. Claritin and Zyrtec don't work. Also, Vicks tissues are amazing but should not be used to dry the eyes. It burns. It was an accident. WHATEVS.

I am fragile right now. I can't breathe.

I watched Twilight. Then I started the book...this could be really bad.

Things I want to do while in Long Beach: see the family, go to thrift stores, try out that coffee shop in Bellflower that Rachel raves about-I just got a new journal and a good book (not twilight) so it should be super, grab some coffee from Intelligista for Merril-this might not happen but this is just a wishlist, hang at the sunken city, feel the joy of no allergies...there is more but my allergies are preventing proper brain function.

I watched 3 of my favorite movies this week.

Gummi Bears are delicious. I like the clearish ones. Also, red.

If wiping your eyes with Vicks hurts...nope, gonna stop there.

The Office is making my life.

I want to be Tina Fey.

Fine tip ball point pens are my new favorite.

Black coffee makes me really happy. Instant smiles.

I started watching Big Love. Then I watched an episode of The West Wing. I am into both. That sucks.

I love my porch at night.

It's 1 AM and I can't sleep. Not because I am not tired but because I can't breathe and my congestion is causing a headache. Its too late for PM pills. Ugh.

Goodnight. xo.