Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Freaking Out

So I am planning a party for church that is causing me to have regualr moments of freaking out. What the?! I have these weird highs and lows, exicted that my house will be full of great people but freaking out that I am going to forget something super duper important. At this very moment I am unable to sleep because I am thinking about everything that has to get done before Wednesday at 6PM when we will hopefully get this party started.

For the last 4 days I have battled crazy headaches that make my eyeballs want to jump out of my skull sometimes I forget that I am sick, I have a disease that can be very life changing and then this happens and I remember. I should probably be a bit more proactive in my care and go to doctors appointments, take my medicine and rest properly but I don't do any of those things until it gets so bad that waking up in the morning hurts. I am super frustrated that this is happening right in the midst of an important event for work I am annoyed, frustrated and freaking out. I think that once this is all over I will be eager to go hang out in the LBC for 9 days!

The good news is that even while it feels like life is heavy God peeks through and lets me know that he's got it all covered and my freak outs are irrational. I'm going to go be mesmerized by my Christmas tree now.

P.S. Totally forgot to devlelop film today, sorry I am a looooser.